Il ROCK e’ al centro dell’episodio. In scaletta ci sono Foo Fighters, Nirvana, Pixies..e naturalmente i protagonisti della settimana, la Next Big Thing dell’Indie Rock made in U.S.A, i CAGE THE ELEPHANT!!
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SUPERNOVA e’ ON-AIR ogni giovedì a partire dalle 22.30 e in replica il sabato a partire dalle 17.30!
Dalle stelle alle…SUPERNOVE!
1) Pete and the Pirates – Mr Understanding
2) Cage the Elephant – In One Ear
3) Foo Fighters – All my Life
4) Cage the Elephant – Ain’t no rest for the wicked
5) Pixies – Debaser
6) Cage the Elephant – Shake Me Down
7) Nirvana – In Bloom
8) Cage the Elephant – Rubber Ball